Bridges of the Heart – Park ICM and the Kansas City Chamber Orchestra

Escape with gorgeous tunes and heartwarming concertos performed by inspiring young talent from the International Center for Music (ICM) at Park University, and the Kansas City Chamber Orchestra during Bridges of the Heart February 13 at the Folly Theater. The evening will feature award-winning soloists Dilshod Narzillaev (cello), Laurel Gagnon (violin), Igor Khukhua (violin), and Vladislav Kosminov (piano).

2019-01-11T17:44:45+00:00 January 9th, 2019|outreach, Students in Concert|

Park ICM Patrons Society Shmuel Ashkenasi Reception

October 11 th was a big day for Park ICM. Shmuel Ashkenasi, winner of not one but three international violin competitions and renowned pedagogue, performed with Lolita Lisovskaya-Sayevich, Director of Collaborative Piano for Park ICM, for an enthusiastic house at the 1900 Building in Mission Woods, Kansas. Afterward, members of the Park International Center for Music Patrons Society toasted [...]

2018-10-15T17:59:34+00:00 October 15th, 2018|Patrons Society|

Park ICM Patrons Society Kick-Off Reception

On Friday, September 21, members of the newly formed Park International Center for Music Patrons Society celebrated the beginning of the ICM’s first official season at the 1900 Building in Mission Woods, Kansas. Hosted by Steve Karbank in the Fountain Room, attendees reminisced about the fantastic evening of music that featured Van Cliburn Gold Medalist, pianist Vladimir Viardo, who greeted guests following the performance.

2018-10-12T20:45:04+00:00 October 12th, 2018|Patrons Society|
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